Who i am
Who i am

FullStack Developer
Iwon Gunawan
Experienced Web Developer with a demonstrated history of working in the computer software industry. Skilled in PHP, IONIC, jQuery, Angular, JavaScript, JSON, Mysql, Lumen, Laravel, Codeigniter, Cordova and Bootstrap. Strong engineering professional with a Bachelor's degree focused in Informatics Engineering from University Ibn Khaldun Bogor.
Mobile Developer
Job Description :- Develop and maintain Android & IOS mobile applications
- Coordination with the QA / QC team for specifications
- Coordination with the designer team for the layout
- Make a report on the estimated work (timeline)
- Make daily and weekly work reports
- Perform basic testing in accordance with specifications
- Distribute tasks to the mobile team
- Develop
CRM Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=barantum.com
CRM IOS : https://apps.apple.com/us/app/barantum-crm/id1306629367
Web Developer
Job Description :- Develop and maintain CRM applications
- Make a report on the estimated work (timeline)
- Make daily and weekly work reports
- Develop
Landing Page : https://barantum.com/
CRM Apps : https://crm.barantum.com/
Admin Barantum : https://admin.barantum.com/
Mobile Developer
Job Description :- Develop and maintain applications
- Make a report on the estimated work (timeline)
- Make daily and weekly work reports
- coordination with client
- presentation of the results of system development
- Develop
e-letter LEMSANEG
bank soal LEMSANEG
e-absensi LEMSANEG
Mobile Programming
Job Description :- Develop and maintain Informasea.com applications
- Make a report on the estimated work (timeline)
- Make daily and weekly work reports
- Develop
informasea app : https://informase.com
informasea alpha : https://alpha.informasea.com
informasea agent : https://agent.informasea.com
Web Programming
Admin Server Pulsa